Friday, January 25, 2013

Entertainment Pre Radio & TV

There was entertainment long before radio and television, even though it’s hard to believe. Back in the day and still to this day, leisure is something that comes after the survival needs are met (such as food shelter, etc.). As time went on, meeting those basic survival needs became easier and easier, the amount of leisure time went up.
First there were such things as ritualistic ceremonies and family dinners for entertainment. Then as time went on, people started painting on walls and they were better able to develop and improve in on their personal skills and talents.
With the Neolithic people, there have been such discoveries as percussion instruments that we can assume they played and listened to for entertainment.
It wasn’t until times such as Ancient Egypt, that we see the different rankings of people (high class, middle class, and the masses). When these divisions came about, there were also divisions in entertainment. The high class partook in activities like parties and banquets with dancers, music, performances, etc. The middle class had some entertainment by going to the theaters, where all kinds of performances were held. The masses only had things such as beer houses and sports for entertainment.
These kinds of entertainment went on for a while then Greece started expanding the entertainment. They had things from music and poetry, painting and sculpting, the theaters (with tragedies and satire plays), and staged athletic games (the Olympics).
Julius Caesar created the Circus Maximus, the greatest mass-entertainment forum of its time. The Romans were forced to provide as much free entertainment to their people as possible. The leaders used it as pacification for the masses and a way to integrate themselves with them.
These lavish and extravagant forms of entertainment went on until Christianity dismantled the leisure state and only allowed small amounts of leisure and entertainment, through activities like fairs.
While all of this was going on the elites were getting bored. This lead to social dancing, self-presentation, board and card games, and “blood sports” (cockfighting, etc.).
It was the settlement of America that really turned entertainment. This settlement brought along, taverns/pubs (which brought about drinking games, billiards, etc.), shooting contests, dancing, singing, drinking, games, and country fairs.
It was in the second half of the second millennium when entertainment arts really flourished with the theater, opera, concerts and sports. The recreation side of entertainment lead to the creation of public parks, while the at home side of entertainment lead to more board and parlor games, and reading for pleasure.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What is entertainment media?

1. I believe entertainment media is any type of media that I use for entertainment. I would consider it to be things like movies, blogs online, music, etc. Entertainment media is very important to me. I spend a lot of time on it. I watch certain television shows, but I watch quite a few of them. They all vary, whether it is Psych, Parks and Recreation, or Pretty Little Liars, I like them all. I also go to see movies often, I really enjoy being able to go to the movie theatre to see a movie but it is also nice to watch them at home as well. I look at blogs very often, some daily. In today’s world everyone is on a computer for a good bit each and every day. So all in all I would say I spend anywhere from 2-8 hours a day on entertainment media.
2. I think the main reason that main reason entertainment media is more popular than news and other media is that it is meant for entertainment. It is intended for people to spend time on it for sheer enjoyment, and not to be bored.
3. I think that keeping news media light helps appeal to audiences. Of course there are certain situations, stories, or topics, that cannot be taken lightly but in times when it can be lighten I think that it should be. People do no need to hear every little awful detail of stories; some things are better left unsaid.
I do not mind using this blog as a way of submitting my work.
-Jordan Letts

About Me

My name is Jordan Letts. I am 20 years old (21 in March) and a junior at Coastal Carolina University. I am a communication major with an emphasis in public relations, and journalism minor. I have lived in Myrtle Beach for the majority of my life. I work at a surf shop here, called Surf City. I enjoy traveling, going on adventures, taking photos, going to movies, and lots of other things. I am interested in working in public relations or social media. I would really love to live in a big city for a change. I am an only child. I also have two cats, a girl, LouLou, and a boy, Chuck. I have a long-time boyfriend, Christian, who has been my boyfriend and best friend for over 3 years.